▒░░░ Rosegal Clothing Giveaway! Open Internationally (Closed+Winner's name) ░░░▒

Hi guys! Today I'm so excited for this post!
I just want to say thank you guys for taking the time to read my post, like them with comments, subscribe and just supporting me honestly means so much. I have so much fun making post on my blog and I feel that this is just the beginning of something bigger.
I wish personally thank every single one of you by giving you the possibility to win one of my favourite products that I personally choose (or you can choose what you want under 20 $)  from this lovely online clothing store Rosegal, that contacted me for a sponsored giveaway for you guys!

Let's get started with the fun part!

Outfit - The Parisian streets of J'aime les feuilles rouges

outfit - the parisian streets of jaimelesfeuillesrouges.blogspot.com

 Lo so, sembra incredibile ma alla fine, dopo tanta pigrizia, sono riuscita a sfornare il mio secondo outfit "fotografico"! YEEE Marta si è svegliata dal letargo! Bene, ora beccatevi questo post tutto ad un fiato!

Shopping with me - My favorite period accessories!

Hi, guys! :) Torno sconfitta da un interminabile periodo di abbuffate, cenoni e chili di troppo! Aiuto! ahahah
Bando alle ciance, oggi vi mostro gli accessori (orecchini, bracciali, collane, accessori per capelli) che più ho usato ultimamente, diciamo quasi tutti i giorni; spero vi piaccia questa tipologia di post!

Most wanted